Contact Us

The Josh Gottheil Memorial Fund for Lymphoma Research is a non-profit, tax-exempt charitable organization headquartered in Urbana, IL, and dedicated to raising funds to support oncology nurses throughout the United States.

Josh’s Fund has no paid staff members and limited administrative costs. Since its establishment in 1994, donations have gone directly toward support for educational grants to oncology nurses who work with patients undergoing bone marrow or stem cell transplants. Administered by the Oncology Nursing Society Foundation, oncology nurses throughout the United States and abroad are eligible to receive these awards annually. In 2018, Josh’s Fund established an endowment for nurses at Siteman Cancer Center in support of building resiliency and looks forward to establishing similar endowments elsewhere in the country.

Contact us for more information:

Josh Gottheil Memorial Fund for Lymphoma Research
509 East Holmes Street
Urbana, IL 61801-6734


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